Friday, March 6, 2020

GMAT Question Types

GMAT Question Types One essay and 90 questions. Thats a lot to pack into three hours and 30 minutes of a GMAT exam. In addition to the Analytical Writing Assessment, there are a variety of question types on the GMAT. The basic categories to prepare for are the Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal sections of the GMAT. Lets take a closer look at each of the question types found in those sections and consider ways to approach them. Integrated Reasoning Reasoning skills are crucial to success on the GMAT. Like the essay, the Integrated Reasoning section is scored separately and does not count toward your total score. You have 30 minutes to answer the 12 multi-part questions, which cover the following areas: Multi-Source Reasoning, Graphics Interpretation, Two-Part Analysis, and Table Analysis. You must answer all parts of the questions correctly on the page to get any credit, as there is no partial credit. In this section, as in all sections, pace yourself. Dont necessarily spend time on all 12 questions. Read the material in front of you, make an analysis, select the best answer, and move on. If youre completely stumped, take your best guess, and use your energy on another question that you have a better chance of getting right. Problem-Solving In the Quantitative section, the general math areas covered are Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Word Problems. In this section, you have two basic types of questions: Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency. A Problem Solving question is a multiple choice math problem with five answer choices. To find the correct answer, first, read the question. Then, as you go through the solution process, use the answer choices to guide you in the right direction. Dont try to solve all of the math in your head. Do your calculations on the sheet provided and remember, the answer is on the page you just have to find it. Data Sufficiency Questions involving Data Sufficiency cover the same mathematical areas as Problem Solving, but in a different way. Every Data Sufficiency question includes two true statements, along with the following answer choices: (A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient. (B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient. (C) BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient. (D) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient. (E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient. Again, read the question, then read one statement at a time. Examine each scenario individually and carefully determine which of them fully applies, given all factors involved. Reading Comprehension These questions are based on passages about topics like social science, humanities, biology, and business. Read the passage first, and take brief notes about the main ideas. Then, before looking at the answer choices, answer the question in front of you in your own words. On your sheet, have a row of A B C D E letters written down to cross off. Be aware of your time, and dont get stuck on any one question. Use the passage to help you eliminate incorrect answer choices, and finally, select the best answer. Critical Reasoning These questions resemble Reading Comprehension questions, but theyre shorter and they focus on specific situations. Approach Critical Reasoning questions similarly to those found in Reading Comprehension. Read the paragraph, determine the argument, read the question, eliminate answer choices that do not answer the questions, and select the best answer choice. It sounds easier said than done, but practicing these methods while you study will make a real difference on the actual exam. Sentence Correction For non-native English speakers and people who arent grammar enthusiasts, Sentence Correction questions can be the most frustrating part of the exam. You are presented with one sentence served five ways, and you must determine which version is the best answer choice. A methodical approach is best. Ask yourself, Do I like this sentence as is? If you like it, keep it. If you dont, then cross out the A on your sheet, and move to the second answer choice. Continue crossing out answer choices until you find the best, grammatically correct sentence. For this GMAT question type, it is important to look for what is wrong with each answer choice rather than what is right. All of the incorrect sentences in a question will sound similar, but they will also have at least one thing wrong. As you study for the GMAT, pay attention to the question types that you perform better on and those that you need more help with. Its common for some students to be stronger at Reading Comprehension than Data Sufficiency, or Problem Solving than Sentence Correction, or even Algebra questions over Arithmetic questions. Use this knowledge to maintain your strengths and shore up your weaknesses, perhaps with the help of online tutoring as well. Allot your time accordingly to the different GMAT question types so that you can perform your best on the exam and reach your target GMAT score. Good luck!

Starting With Bonjour Tips to Help You Learn French

Starting With Bonjour Tips to Help You Learn French Megan L. So, you want to learn French! Whatever your motivation and experience, getting started in a language is always the hard part. But good news: there are a lot of resources out there for you if you know how to find them, and a lot of ways to make the process easier and more fun. One huge key to learning any language with fluency is immersion. Now, that doesnt mean you have to head off to a foreign country right away and hope for the best. You certainly can, and it may even be a good choice if youre comfortable traveling, making new friends, and dealing with everything in a language you arent yet fluent in. But if you arent that very specific type of person, there are plenty of other ways to boost your fluency from the comfort of your home. Your goal is frequent exposure, as using French often will increase your learning speed. Most introductory language courses in schools hold classes as many as five days a week for this reason. However, if you want to learn French outside of an academic setting, thats probably not feasible for you. So what can you do instead? Play There are several phone apps that can are available to you at any time, anywhere. Play a quick language learning game whenever you have a minute, and youll keep the information fresh in your brain. Listen On a less work-oriented note, check around for TV shows or movies in French that you enjoy. Even if youre a beginner, watching them with English subtitles on gets you used to the rhythm of the language and the way people actually speak. You also might want to try listening to some French music or watching French YouTube videos like the ones below- Study No amount of casual listening, unfortunately, can replace instruction, particularly if you want to attain written fluency. Even a trip abroad may teach you  what  to say, but is unlikely to teach you  why. For that, for the grammatical mastery you need in order to express yourself clearly, you need lessons of some kind. There are workbooks and independent study courses available, but theyre not really the best choice: if youre completely on your own, theres no one you can ask if you run into trouble or the book doesnt explain a concept in a way that makes sense to you. In order to learn French reliably, you need someone who can identify and explain your errors. For a skilled instructor, you have a choice between taking group classes and hiring a private tutor. Tutoring is generally more expensive than classes, which may be a concern, but there are distinct benefits to having someone who will be able to focus on you and tailor lessons to your needs. One more often-forgotten issue: which French do you want to learn? The French spoken in France and that spoken in Canada have noticeable differences in accent and vocabulary, and those are only the two most commonly considered variations. There are Francophone countries all over the world, so you may want to think about where you plan to use your French. Whatever you choose,  bonne  chance!  Interested in studying French with a tutor? Search for a French tutor today! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Corey Templeton

Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Expressions with GET - Intermediate Level English Vocabulary

English Expressions with GET - Intermediate Level English Vocabulary There are many simple verbs in English or verbs that are useful and frequently used in many expressions. Here we explore those English Expressions with GET.   Useful Expressions with Get GET FED UP WITHWe can get fed up with someone. To get fed up means to lose interest in or become annoyed with or frustrated with something or someone.Ex. Ivan had a good friend Misha but from time to time Misha would annoy Ivan when he was constantly rearranging their meetings or worse still not showing up at all.  In this situation Ivan could say:You know, I am really fed up with Misha. Why does he always change our time and why can he not tell me in advance if he is not going to turn up (arrive) at all?We can also get fed up with something. Perhaps an old electrical gadget is constantly breaking down.Ex. David had a coffee maker that he got as a present many years ago. However,  it wasnt working properly and the coffee had a peculiar taste. He got fed up with it one day and dumped it in the recycling bag.  Time for a new purchase!!GET IN TOUCH WITHTo get in touch with somebody means to contact them, either by message, whatsapp, email  or by calling them on your mobile.We can use it in various ways.Can you get in touch with me urgently as we need to discuss . here it is a request from someone looking for immediate contactor I was trying to get in touch with you as i am visiting your city and it is a long time since we met here an old friend colleague or relative would like to meet up when they are in town for a few daysor Ill get in touch with you in the next few days to confirm that meeting here a promise to follow up on an arrangement and confirm an appointmentScroll down, there is more to come Collocations and Expressions with GET - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: GET AROUNDThis has various options and uses. To get around can mean someone travels a lot.Ex. Mary was asking John about his plans. He told her he had just returned from a trip to America and in the next few weeks he was going to Brazil, Turkey and the Lebanon.“Wow,  you certainly get around,  dont you!”  or some one might use GET AROUND to ask if you did what you promised to doEx. Did you get around to calling the electrician yet? You know that light fitting needs fixing and you cannot do it.Someone might also ask how do you usually get around in your city? How do you travel in your cityGET LOSTThis can be used in a few ways and varies depending on your stress and intonation. Quite simply to get lost means not able to identify where you are in a city or town.ex. I got lost last week in London. I got off the underground (metro) and didnt know where I was.Or if you place the emphasis on LOST and raise your voice it might be used to tell someone  (not politely)  to leave you alone .Ex. Jacob shouted to his younger brother: “Get lost, leave me alone! Get out of my room!”We can also get lost in a book or a movie we are reading or  watching.Ex. I had a wonderful night i really got lost in that book I bought last week. I cannot put it down (stop reading it).GET A MESSAGEAgain,  it can be used in several ways.Did he finally get the message? Did he finally realise? Did he understand the real meaning of what you are trying to tell him?Ex. You have been trying for a long time to break off a relationship with a boyfriend. You stopped returning his calls, you stopped texting him and refused to meet him. After 10 days he finally got the message.  (He finally understood the relationship was over).orCan you get a message to Daniel please? a common request when you phone an office to talk to a contact but he or she is not there. You ask the receptionist if they can tell the person that you will call again or you have to change the meeting etc..ex. Can you get a mess age to Daniel please and tell him that the delivery arrived.5 more collocations with GET + useful phrases are below Collocations and Expressions with Get - continued GET THE JOKEUsed positively or negatively. I got the joke but I  didnt find it funny or I didnt get the joke what was he saying? To get the joke means to understand the story or the humour in the joke.And  I  didnt get the joke means you did understand the relevance or perhaps it was a joke specific to that town or city and not so easy for outsiders to understandGET BACK FROMA little more specific which means you have recently returned from another location.I got back from Rome last night it was fantastic.Alternatively it could be a question: When did you get back from Rome?or When will you get back from Rome?If we change the preposition FROM  and use TO the meaning changes.I WILL GET BACK TO YOUmeans I  will call you again or I  will follow up on our conversation.He promised to get back to me later in the day and let me know if I  got the job.GET RID OF  When something isnt needed or wanted we try to throw it away or get rid of it.ex. Can you get rid of that empty wine bottle before my mother gets here. She will think we have been drinking all day.  A robber might want to get rid of the evidence (destroy) before the police start investigating the crime.Who is that knocking on our door? Can you get rid of them (tell them to leave) quickly and tell them I am not here.GET INTO TROUBLEUsually when we do something we shouldnt have done we will get into trouble with someone.ex. Will you get into trouble with your parents (will they be annoyed) if you are late home?Will you get into trouble (will you get a ticket or a parking fine) with the police for parking there its a no parking zone?Will you get into trouble with your boss (will he shout or complain about your time keeping)  for being late back from lunch?There are many other expressions using GET. Here are some of them: I got a nice present for my birthday. The girls in the office bought it for me. I am getting older every time I  look in the mirror. I got a call from a job agency yesterday. I have an interview on Wednesday. I get to work by bus everyday. He is getting better and better every day. The medicine seems to be working. He is getting worse really. He has been late three times this week already.

FAQs as a New College Student - Answered

FAQs as a New College Student - Answered ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog What’s the best way to meet people? Some might suggest that the most daunting aspect of college is making friends. Out of thousands of young adults, somehow you have to find a group of like-minded people to spend your time with. I mean, who wants to be alone throughout all four years of college? Chances are, you’ll be happier the more connections you make. It’s like high school all over again, except with a larger pool to weed through. The first week of school, everyone will scramble to befriend the first few people they come in contact with. Time and again, dorm hall members and roommates, the first people you’ll see when you move in, will become the people you automatically cling to. My advice - Sure, latch on to a few people from your floor, make quick friends. But don’t get locked into that group of individuals. Most likely, as the year goes on, you will slowly find more students who share your interests and background. Be open to change in your relationships the first year of school. Later on, you’ll be happy you were. Once you make those preliminary necessary friends the first few days, check out the activities offered at your school. There are hundreds of clubs for every interest. Most universities hold “Activities Fairs” to showcase all of the opportunities available. Go. It may be overwhelming, but make sure you sign up for every club that catches your eye. Usually you’ll receive follow-up emails from each one, and later on you can sort through the clubs and decide which one(s) are best for you. Joining these groups is probably the easiest way to make friends easily and quickly, right off the bat. They’re welcoming and are usually excited about new members, and since you’re already interested in the subject matter, you’ll feel more comfortable opening up to people. Being friendly and open to others in every aspect of college life is the key to gathering acquaintances that, hopefully, grow into more. The more instances you have to meet a new person are opportunities to make a connection, possibly for life. Nowhere else will you be in the same environment as so many likeminded and like-aged people. Take advantage of it. When should I study? Hopefully you’ve taken the time in high school to determine what times you are most productive. It varies for everyone. Some do well waking up early before school, others only late at night. Whenever you seem to absorb material and focus most intensely, study then. It’s also beneficial to go over pertinent information right before going to sleep. Especially lists, facts, and dates; the data will be retained and more easily remembered in the morning. Having been the last thing to go through your brain, while you sleep your memory can process the information effectively. How do I make the most of my college experience? Make yourself busy. If you find yourself with any more than 10 hours of free time a week, get out there! There is such an array of activities, sports, and clubs to partake in; take advantage of it. Make sure you explore the community that is college. Those four years will fly by, so take the time to peruse everything you think you might be interested in. After school, there will be fewer opportunities to discover all the different sides to who you are. What courses should I take/what professors? The university you go to will determine the particular paths you’ll take to discover this information. Some colleges have underground student-run websites that honestly evaluate professors and courses, straight from students’ mouths. Although a good source of information, watch out for the subjective nature of this method. Most colleges have “Peer Advisors” in each department and will often hold office hours before the designated time for the student body to choose courses. These students are usually approved by the professors and have a great wealth of knowledge in the best course load/professors to take depending on your interests. Definitely take the time to talk to these individuals. Otherwise, don’t be afraid to speak to your advisors. No, they will not trash talk their colleagues but they will know about all of the various courses open to you and the necessary classes you have to fulfill before graduation. Sometimes semester scheduling and meeting graduation requirements can be overwhelming and your advisor can really help you manage it all. As you choose a major, you will notice that the same people are showing up in your classes. Ask them about the professors and courses they have already taken to give you first hand insight into what might be the best choice for you. How do I manage my time? (See other article on Time Management here) How do I decide what my major should be? Here is my three-question theory: Figure out what you love doing, what you feel drawn towards. Ask yourself, what motivates me to wake up in the morning? Then ask, am I good at “it”? Does the world need “it” enough to be willing to pay me to do what I love? Once you get positive answers to all three questions, you’ve found what you should major in! Talk to your advisor as well. They are there to help you discover the answer to this particular question. Talk to family members, parents, employers, anyone that has made a career for themselves, and figure out if you would be interested in what they do. It is better to hear a job description from a person who does it 40 hours a week instead of through the Internet or on TV. There are hundreds of occupations out there that are so obscure, you would never know of them unless you talked to someone with that profession. Look out for people who are similar to you and then seek out what they do for a living. Getting involved in those college clubs mentioned earlier will help you determine your dream or not-so-dream job as well. How do I get firsthand experience in the field I believe I’m interested in? Internships are the way to go if you’re looking for real experience. Employers looking to hire recent graduates are interested in students who have taken the initiative to partake in relevant internships. This way, they know that you already have an idea of what the job entails and that you are a hard enough worker to not be fired from your previous internships. It is important to know if you’re actually going to enjoy your work and the only way to do that is intern or volunteer in your field of study. Take advantage of your career office and internship database at the university. They’re good places to start your search. When do I start applying for internships/jobs? There is no time too early to start looking for internships. Go for it! How do I explore career options available to my major? Talk to seniors that have been through the internship process and are applying, looking for, or already committed to jobs/starting professions. Speak to your advisor or career center. One thing most colleges are good at is knowing what comes after. Usually, the possibilities are endless. If you haven’t caught on yet, most of these common questions are answered with some sort of variation of “talk to somebody”. Don’t be afraid to seek out help, advice, and guidance. College, by definition, is a learning experience. About the Author Morgan is a graduate of Boston College and has worked with MyGuru for the past three years. Check out our home page for more information on standardized exam tutoring and helpful study materials!

So many books, so little time.

So many books, so little time. So many books, so little time. Frank Zappa Frank Vincent Zappa was an American composer, a talented musician and director. But he is known to all, first of all, as a very special electric guitarist and leader of the band The Mothers of Invention. The bands songs are characterized by the use of unusual sound effects, bizarre album covers, as well as a high level of mastery of the concerts. The group has never been stable and changed frequently. The only constant member throughout the period of existence of the group was Frank Zappa.  He has worked in almost all musical genres and wrote music for rock bands, jazz ensembles, synthesizers and symphony orchestra. In addition to his music recordings, he created a full-length and short films, music videos and album covers. So many books, so little time. So many books, so little time. Frank Zappa Frank Vincent Zappa was an American composer, a talented musician and director. But he is known to all, first of all, as a very special electric guitarist and leader of the band The Mothers of Invention. The bands songs are characterized by the use of unusual sound effects, bizarre album covers, as well as a high level of mastery of the concerts. The group has never been stable and changed frequently. The only constant member throughout the period of existence of the group was Frank Zappa.  He has worked in almost all musical genres and wrote music for rock bands, jazz ensembles, synthesizers and symphony orchestra. In addition to his music recordings, he created a full-length and short films, music videos and album covers.

5 Tips for the Integrated Reasoning Section of the GMAT

5 Tips for the Integrated Reasoning Section of the GMAT If you are applying for admission to a graduate program such as an MBA, you are probably going to have to take the GMAT exam, Graduate Management Admission Test. This computer adaptive test is designed to find out what your skills are in certain areas like verbal, reading, writing, quantitative and analytical. There are some tips that may make taking this part of the GMAT a bit easier. The Integrated reasoning section is fairly new to the GMAT as it was just introduced in 2012. This part of the exam is to test your skills when it comes to evaluating data that is shown to you in different formats from different sources. There are a total of 12 questions in the integrated reasoning area that are broken down into four categories: multi-source reasoning, graphics interpretation, table analysis and two-part analysis. Time management is important- While there are 12 question in this section, many of the questions will have 2-3 individual questions of their own. Also, you don't get partial credit in this section at all. Because of these two facts, you need to use your time and use it wisely. If you absolutely cannot answer the last statement in enough time, you are better off just guessing and moving on to the next question. Learn graphs and learn them well- If you are not a natural math whiz, you are going to have to learn all you can about graphs. Two of the best resources for learning graphs are the Economist Magazine and the Wall Street Journal. Both of these resources will have a graph or two scattered in each issue. Locate the graphs in these resources and figure out how to interpret them into context. Grasp the concept of reading comprehension- Most of the integrated reasoning section of the GMAT involves know exactly what the question asks as well as how to actually solve the question. You can't solve the question if you don't understand what the question is asking. It is important that you don't get wrapped up in the details but instead understand what the chart or table is actually presenting. Read the titles and captions first since these are what the question works off. Think of this section as an open-book test- One of the most common mistakes test takers make in the integrated reasoning section is that they use the wrong information due to a slight understanding of the information presented. The information you need to solve these questions is right in front of you on the screen, you just have to know where to find it. Consider what the question is actually asking you and then think about which part of the passage or which chart, graph or table gives you the important information you will need to answer the question correctly.

Encourage children to read for fun - Tutor Hunt Blog

Encourage children to read for fun Encourage children to read for fun, and they will become their own teachers Encourage children to read for fun, and they will become their own teachersSchoolsThe importance of reading to a child is of course known to all - parents are encouraged to read to their young children during their time at nursery and their first few years of primary school. Teachers will read stories to their pupils during special designated sessions. What isn`t so well known are the techniques to ensure a child learns to enjoy reading themselves. If a child`s love of reading can be engendered, they will pick up books themselves, and find their own path through the world of literature. A little know report conducted by the Department for Education back in 2012 highlighted the importance of children developing a love of reading. Entitled `Research evidence on reading for pleasure,` the report reached a number of conclusions as to how pupils could be encouraged to enjoy reading for themselves: 1 Teachers should be proactive in helping pupils choose what books to take home. Assuming a teacher knows what particular interests a pupil has, they should be able to judge what books they will most enjoy. Of course this doesn`t mean pushing a book about adventure stories into a child`s hands, because the child has expressed an interest in adventures. The teacher will need to give an exciting synopsis of the book - they will need to be able to spark an interest in the story, so the pupil will be enthusiastic, and will want to take it home and read it themselves. The teacher will need to have a good knowledge about the library of books available for the pupil`s age group, so they will be able to select one that accords with their interests. 2 make story time in a class room a special event. Children first learn to love reading by being read to - long before a child can read for themselves they will be receptive to stories told by others. If a teacher can make `story time` in class an exciting event, then pupils will want to repeat this themselves, and so will be encouraged to seek out books in their own time. A good story teller will have an engaging delivery, and might even put on different voices for different characters in their story. They don`t have to be a Peter Ustinov, a genius in portraying different characters. Just a basic attempt at this will be enough, for children already have enough imagination. 3 Open children`s eyes to the world of different books out there. Many children might not be aware as to the limitless array of stories waiting to be read. Let them know there are stories about dragons and princesses, as well as super heroes, taking animals - anything they can think of. A teacher could compile a list of extravagant characters from different books, such as the eponymous `Fantastic Mr. Fox` of Roald Dahl, and The Dragon Smaug from Tolkien`s The Hobbit. By listing a broad range of diverse characters they will be sure to engage the interest of their pupils. 4 talk to children about what they are reading. Reading is of course a solitary act - just with yourself and a book you can lose yourself in your imagination, being guided by the author to create a whole world full of characters. By talking to children about the books they are reading, you will give them a chance to express their interest, to talk about the adventures their favorite characters are having. Engaging with an adult regarding their literary pursuits will only encourage their love of reading. A survey commissioned by bookseller Book People back in 2017 found that one in five parts do not spend any time reading with their children, and that more than half of the parents who did read with their children spent less than an hour a week doing so. With children spending many many hours a week on tablets, phones, computer games and the television, it is a shame that the tradition printed page seems to be falling behind modern technologies. 8 months ago0Add a Comment